Hello and Thanks For All The Fish
Hello fellow people! Welcome to my blog, brought to you by popular demand—consisting of two individuals who informed me that if I were to create such a blog, they would consent to read it. (Popularity, in my book, is a conveniently low bar.)
“Jumping the shark” is an idiom that I discovered by Googling “funny idioms.” According to Wikipedia, it is used to describe “a misguided attempt at generating new attention or publicity for something that is perceived to be once, but no longer, widely popular” and, more succinctly, “an unsuccessful gimmick for promoting something” combined with “an unwillingness to accept that fact.” The seminal usage of the phrase dates back to an ill-fated Season 5 episode of the sitcom Happy Days in which Henry Winkler jumps over a shark. This was supposed to be totally sick but fell so far short of this ambition that it sparked a whole idiom in homage to its failure.
“Jumping the Shark” is also the name of this blog, because it neatly captures two things: First, the impetus for the creation thereof, consisting of the generally positive reception to the listserv spam to which I have subjected the populace of my dormitory for over a year to date. The second thing captured by the title of this blog is my best prediction of its future demise: As I draw back the curtains of my wicked and freakish mind, general horror will follow, and I will be left with an audience consisting solely of my mother (if I’m lucky).
It seems I have exhausted all of the things I can, by way of introduction, assert about this blog (to be fair, it is at this time solely comprised of the aforementioned assertions). Therefore I will now, as the youth say, “dip out,” in a manner best described as “abrupt and inelegant,” adjectives which you will come to find fittingly describe nearly everything that I do.